Maybe it’s to stop by a friend’s to share how your weekend went, or that a new collectible item you're excited that you've found or maybe just to brainstorm ideas on how to grow your new online business! I mean think... of those ideas to share and learn about from each other; Addoway, Pinterest, Wanelo, Twitter, Facebook - so many avenues to chat about over - yes, coffee!

Many times during our busy day when we grab that cup of coffee from the kitchen, with our friends at Starbucks in the workplace café, we don’t even stop to think of the very moment of when the “act of taking a coffee break” became important to us.
For me, I can remember in the 80’s while in the military, coffee became a new “warm” friend that kept me company on SO many occasions and did much to add to my morale on many 24 hour shifts while on a Nike Hercules site in Germany.

It was also a way that my Mom and I could say we were having time together when I first enlisted, she would write and say she was having a cup of coffee – was I having mine? It brought us together, even though we were thousands of miles apart - on so many days and nights that I really needed my Mom. Yes, this was before instant communication – hard paper letters. SNAIL MAIL people! We actually had to wait for news from our loved ones.
Coffee breaks mean different things to different people. That short period of sharing a cup of coffee can allow you to stay in touch with your best friend, network your business, get new parenting ideas or simply change your environment for 30 minutes.
For Fanatic Team Gear and for us personally, "coffee breaks" mean a break from our work day here at the house, a visit with friends at our local coffee house or afternoon coffee with relatives in Louisiana...

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